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Moscow International Property Show

Moscow International Property Show
On April, 6-7, in Moscow XVIII Moscow International Property Show was held. 218 companies from 34 countries from all over the world took part in the event.

According to experts, the volume of the international property market in Russia this year will maintain its last year level and average $15 bln. Besides, as experts say, the number of Russians willing to buy a property abroad is constantly increasing, and among them there’re many of those who, having enough money refuse purchase a property in the Russian countryside in favor of a property abroad. From the international point of view, Russian demand and investors’ interest is considered as stable and promising, particularly on the background of European markets, that’s why the importance of Russia for the real estate market players is explicable.

Altogether the XVIII Moscow International Property Show was visited by 7902 people, and that’s the another evidence both of high interest of Russians to the international property and of the fact that the event is one of the most efficient means for working with a consumer.

As usually, on Moscow International Property Show was represented the widest range of international property, where you could find everything — from middle-budget properties in small Eastern Europeans towns to exclusive luxury apartments in the world’s capital cities. Thus all demands of all levels of target audience were taken into account and satisfied. So, the property in Turkey, Bulgaria, Spain, and Cyprus— both mid-budget and expensive— is interesting mainly for those who is looking for an alternative for countryhouse, so called second home for spending holidays with children.

Investors and those who have to spend a lot of time in business trips abroad are interested in property in the big cities of Great Britain, Germany, Switzerland, France, and USA. For those who is willing to immigrate the most significant factor is simplicity of obtaining the residential permit, that’s why in the last two years Latvia gained in popularity a lot (in this country the residence permit is given to them who buy a property in Riga, Riga region, or other big Latvian city cost not less than 100 thousand lats). According to the Show results, no one participant was lack for attention and interest of visitors.

Although the situation with demand is quite clear, the question of price is not so definite, that, according to experts, holds back the demand. Whereas in general the international property market gradually recovers, many expect decrease of price, particularly in Spain and France.

However, as some professionals think, that predictable decrease, in case it will take place, will be insignificant — not more than 5%. At the same time London property rises in price steadily this year due to a range of international events which take place in 2012 in British capital that have strengthened the investment attraction of London.

Besides companies — developers and real estate agencies — among the Moscow International Property Show’s participants were mass media (magazines, Internet portals, and newspapers) and consulting firms, also every visitor could take part in seminars, on which the topics concerning all sides of property market were discussed — from the general state of the real estate in different countries to juridical details of deals with property.


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