Portugal Property News

Tourist Life in the South of Portugal Shows Signs of Life

As you know, the foreign tourism market and the real estate market are closely related both in Portugal and in many other countries of the world. Without the first, the second is impossible. It is shifts in the international tourism sector that will become the harbingers of positive dynamics in the real estate sector.

Despite the fact that Europe and most of the world are still in a state of uncertainty, officials in the two southernmost regions of Portugal have confirmed that hotel reservations for the summer months have been growing significantly recently.

Reservations are made by both Portuguese and foreign guests. This is logical, because people are tired of sitting at home, they want to travel, they want to come and spend several days here in June. Moreover, Portugal is one of the safest countries in terms of COVID-19 infection.

Joao Fernandez, president of the Algarve tourism region, emphasized that, of course, demand is still significantly below normal. The first signs of weakening isolation, as the expert notes, lead to an increase in interest from residents of countries such as Germany, Spain and France.

Published: May 14, 2020